Christ Kirikian
(818) 415-7274
Mr. Kirikian is currently a Principal and the Director of Air Quality and Acoustics conducting air quality, traffic, and noise assessments, with specific expertise in utilizing CalEEMod, AERMOD, SoundPLAN, Aviation Environmental Design Tool, and the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise Model.
Additional roles include serving as an environmental monitoring manager for large-scale compliance monitoring efforts during construction and operation. Mr. Kirikian has a strong working knowledge and experience in the preparation of environmental reports and technical studies pursuant to the full spectrum of California Environmental Quality Act documentation, overseeing complex environmental projects related to urbal development and infrastructure projects throughout Southern California—specifically, the Los Angeles Basin, the Central Coast, Coachella Valley, northern Los Angeles, and neighboring counties.
His previous experience with the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation includes coping with complex problems with respect to water and air pollution, flood control, water supply, solid waste and hazardous materials management, and overall environmental management. He has assisted in the development of numerous environmental documents, including best management practices, coordinated monitoring plans (CMPs), and quality assurance project plans to meet the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board.
In addition, Mr. Kirikian has assessed and analyzed physical, chemical, biological, and bacteriological parameters of watersheds, urban lakes, and wetlands; and conducted numerous field surveys and environmental assessments under the Clean Water Act 303(d) list. Mr. Kirikian also solves environmental problems related to stormwater pollution to help implement Total Maximum Daily Load wet- and dry-weather wasteload allocations.