Grace Bridges
Project Manager
Ms. Bridges is an experienced professional in the fields of environmental planning and project management, after having completed a Master of Urban Planning as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies at the University of Kansas. Her career has been comprised of various roles, including Project Planner, Nationwide Project Manager, and Associate Planner. As a Project Planner, she adeptly handles complex projects, conducts essential environmental research, and provides strategic recommendations to mitigate environmental impacts. She has also successfully overseen a substantial portfolio of environmental testing and remediation projects.
Ms. Bridges has experience in the preparation of the following CEQA documentation; Project Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Initial Studies and Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), and Categorical Exemptions (CE). Ms. Bridges has been involved in the environmental review of residential, commercial, mixed-use, public utility, and planning projects in urban settings for communities throughout Southern California.
(805) 367-5720